Failed Idiotic Utopian Plans Disguised by Lies
This week is Shavuot, when Hashem confounds the "supernal accuser" of Israel. What a coincidence. Now this is just amazing. Rahm Emanuel was sent to say what we all know Barak Obama could never bring himself to say, “We acted stupidly.”
But the real message here I think is that the Obama administration let things get away from them with their 'Smart Diplomacy' and they are desperately trying to back track and re-calibrate their relationship with our historic dependable allies because they’ve come to realize that making allies out of our enemies isn’t working out so well.
Of course the message from the MSM will be, “See! He wasn’t trying to destroy relationships. He was just misunderstood.”
No, in fact he gambled with our security and now he is having a hard time covering his bets. Let's hope the payoff is not in blood.
Link from Israelly Cool
But the real message here I think is that the Obama administration let things get away from them with their 'Smart Diplomacy' and they are desperately trying to back track and re-calibrate their relationship with our historic dependable allies because they’ve come to realize that making allies out of our enemies isn’t working out so well.
Of course the message from the MSM will be, “See! He wasn’t trying to destroy relationships. He was just misunderstood.”
No, in fact he gambled with our security and now he is having a hard time covering his bets. Let's hope the payoff is not in blood.
Link from Israelly Cool